In 2008 Nicole was accepted as «Young-Student» by Professor Eckart Heiligers at ZHdK, Zurich University of the Arts. She then worked intensively with pianist and conductor Florian Krumpöck in Vienna. Since 2013 Nicole has been studying at ZHdK as a student of Professor Till Fellner, where she obtained her bachelor’s degree with distinction. She accomplished the «Master of Performance» in 2018 and the «Master of Pedagogy» at ZHdK in Professor Till Fellner’s class. Since 2021 Nicole is a lecturer herself at the conservatory in Zurich. She won the third prize at the “XII International Competition Giovani Musicisti – Citta di Treviso” in 2021, the third prize at the “Glory International Competition” in New York (2022), the second prize and “best Schumann” at the Elevato Piano Competition and she has been awarded with the first prize at “Làszlo Spezzaferri Competition” in Verona (2023).


In 2008 Nicole was accepted as «Young-Student» by Professor Eckart Heiligers at ZHdK, Zurich University of the Arts. She then worked intensively with pianist and conductor Florian Krumpöck in Vienna. Since 2013 Nicole has been studying at ZHdK as a student of Professor Till Fellner, where she obtained her bachelor’s degree with distinction. She accomplished the «Master of Performance» in 2018 and the «Master of Pedagogy» at ZHdK in Professor Till Fellner’s class. Since 2021 Nicole is a lecturer herself at the conservatory in Zurich. She won the third prize at the “XII International Competition Giovani Musicisti – Citta di Treviso” in 2021, the third prize at the “Glory International Competition” in New York (2022), the second prize and “best Schumann” at the Elevato Piano Competition and she has been awarded with the first prize at “Làszlo Spezzaferri Competition” in Verona (2023).




„Dearest Nicole, your transformation was magic! With faith in your future as musician“

Maria Joao Pires, Belgais

„Im Rahmen eines Meisterkurses in Kirchzarten hatte ich die Gelegenheit, mit der jungen Schweizer Klavierstudentin Nicole Loretan an zwei Sonaten von Beethoven und Schumann zu arbeiten. Dabei gewann ich den Eindruck, dass Nicole Loretan künstlerisch hochbegabt und auch pianistisch bereits so weit fortgeschritten ist, dass man auf sie schon jetzt grosse Hoffnungen setzen kann.“

Friedrich Wilhelm Schnurr

“Mir ist sogleich ihr herausragendes pianistisches Potenzial aufgefallen, gepaart mit Fleiß, Willensstärke und großer Musikalität. Sie besitzt sämtliche Voraussetzungen für eine große Karriere

Florian Krumpöck